The German Alpine Road

The German Alpine Road

The German Alpine Road
Tourist route "German Alpine Road" is a fabulous journey through the Alps. It is called also "Romantic Road". It is part of the Top 100 most interesting places in Germany. Our pension locateds directly on this amazing route.

Welcome to a winding 450 km tour through the majestic panorama of the Bavarian Alps, from Lindau on Lake Constance to Berchtesgaden on Lake Königssee.

The stunning views and the sense that you need only jump to catch a glimpse of the other side of the Alpine ridge, mean that you are truly on the German Alpine Road, the banqueting hall of the Alps.

What are the most popular places among the tourists?
This question the German National Tourist Board addressed to the tourists in 2013. 15,000 international tourists responded to the questionnaire. The German Alpine Road was on the 41st place!

The German Alpine Road