Berchtesgaden Royal Castle

Berchtesgaden Royal CastleThe Royal Palace Berchtesgaden was originally a building of the Augustinian Canons. Today the castle serves as a summer residence for the Bavarian royal house.
It is interesting that there are many different architectural styles in the castle, there was always changes in style of the time; so there is a Romanesque cloister, a Gothic hall, Renaissance halls and a south wing in Baroque style.

Image source, more information, opening times and prices:

Schlossverwaltung Berchtesgaden des
Wittelsbacher Ausgleichsfonds
Schlossplatz 2
D-83471 Berchtesgaden / Germany

Tel.: + 49 (0) 86 52/94 79 80
Telefon: 08652-94798-0