Almbachklamm waterfall

Almbachklamm waterfallAlmost three kilometer long runs the magic route through the romantic canyon Almbahklamm. At the entrance to Almbachklamm there is an oldest mill in Germany, which produces the  marble balls. 
Here, starting from 1683, pieces of precious marble from Mount Untersberg are turned into the perfect smoothness balls. The waterflow moves the grindstone from a  sandstone. The whole process of ball's handling  to a perfect smoothness takes up to a week. More smaller balls are ready in two days. 
Deep canyon along the stream Almbach is crossed by 29 pedestrian bridges and framed by 320 stone stairs. At your feet falls crystal clear waters of a mountain stream running to the valley. As a rule, Almbachklamm open from early May to late October from 8 am to 19.00, but it is better to specify the opentime before. 
Impetuous streams, the roar of falling water - a walk through the gorges  of the Berchtesgaden Alps will be an exciting adventure! Especially if you cross the narrow ridges with dizzying abysses under your feet! 
Besides  fantastic waterfall Wimbachklamm, which is located next to our guesthouse, in the district there many other beautiful gorges, canyons and waterfalls. This is, for example, a deep gorge Aschauer and beautiful Weissbach, that are located  about 30 km from Ramsau.

Address: Kugelmühlweg 18,
83487 Marktschellenberg  
Entrance charged