foto Bad Reichenhall

foto Bad Reichenhall wasserquelleSpa town Bad Reichenhall is located in the picturesque alpine valley between mountain ridges covered with pines rocks. The city is about 20 km from our guesthouse. You can go to Bad Reichenhall also by bus.

The most famous fountain is situated in the spa park. The fountain is called - Atlas-Sole Brunnen. He glorified not only due his healing water but also for its properties of natural inhaler. Especially for medical procedures around the fountain there are chaise longues. Here come people suffering from allergies, asthma and other respiratory diseases.

In the city center is situated an inhalation drinking gallery - "Gradierverk».It is surrounded by hedges of hawthorn and blackthorn bushes.
The length of this construction - 160 m; height - 13 meters. Throught it sprayed daily in the air about 400 tons of water. Doctors believe that two hours a day spent by patients in medical fountains replaced on day stay at the sea.

BadRaihenhall salzwerkfoto Bad Reichenhall MozartbrunnenLocal mineral salts are used for inhalations and rinses, therapeutic baths and drinking. Drinking water on the basis of the alpine salt is a powerful sovereign remedy for detoxification - it changes the blood composition.

Salt mined from the depths of the Alpine where deposited layers left over from an ancient sea. These layers are more than 250 million years. Mineral water from the local springs are the basis for cosmetics. In Bad Reichenhall launched production of care products based on its own mineral water. It is also used for the manufacture of cosmetics extracts and essential oils of mountain pine. Inhalation Sole based on salt and pine extract is used for the treatment of breathing problems.

foto Bad Reichenhall Gradierwerk

BadRaihenhall street

But to the spa town Bad Reichenhall guests come not only for treatment. Here you can relax, do an active sports, walk and just have fun. Warsteiner Boulevard - the main pedestrian zone, stretching for 3 kilometers. Here you will find a lot of galleries and hotels, souvenir shops and boutiques. In the town are many pubs, restaurants with Bavarian cuisine, outdoor street cafes with a view to magnificent Alpine peaks. During your walk pay attention to the fountain Motsartbrunnen (Mozartbrunnen). It is a monument to the great composer and his wife Constance. It is located in the courtyard of the confectionery factory «Reber». The factory produced candies «Mozartkugel». Many things connects Bad Reichenhall and Mozart - 15 km away is Salzburg, the birthplace of the composer. Each year, in March, in Bad Reichenhall are held the music festivals - "Mozart Week".


foto Bad Reichenhall zalt produkt

foto Bad Reichenhall zentrum park fontan

For those who like to walk among exotic nature there is a botanical garden of rare plants in the city.

Bad Reichenhall has rich and varied cultural life, the city offers a variety of entertainment. There are concerts, thematic music events, opera performances. In the evening city guests are waited in Warsteiner - there is a casino. Wine bars, restaurants, cafes and taverns are open until morning.

Official Website of the city:


Offizielle Internetseite der Stadt:

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