Berchtesgaden Brewery

Hofbrauhaus, which is located 10 minutes by car from our guesthouse, is a brewery in Berchtesgaden.

Originally Hofbrauhaus Berchtesgaden was called "Brauerei Pfister" (brewery Pfister). In 1645 the Bavarian prince-provost took over the brewery as his "Hofbrauhaus" ("Hof": german for court, "Brauhaus": german for brewery) - this name lasted until now. Therefore, the Hofbrauhaus can look back to a longer than 370-year-history of brewing. Today, the brewery offers not only different kinds of beers, but also "beer souvenirs", like for example a beer soap or various kinds of beer glasses. The beers can be bought, for example, directly at the brewery or you can try them in the neighbouring "Bräustüberl".

Adress and further information:
Bräuhausstraße 15,
83471 Berchtesgaden
Tel.: 08652 96640